Well, we have to say that we have never seen anything like this in our life time and hope never to again. We’ve had inquiries here about how the virus is affecting the ranch, and at this time we have to say it’s only affecting us as far as toilet paper is concerned. I’m kind of making a joke here but at the same time I’m a little bit serious! We shut our cookhouse down last December for the winter months and we let everything run low/out as not to carry too much inventory over the winter. Anticipating our opening I ordered through our foodservice company (last week) to arrive today, same as I do every year. I didn’t anticipate the run on toilet paper due to the corona virus and low and behold, no toilet paper came in on our order today – just a 0 next to the item ordered and an note saying OUT OF STOCK. We are set to open it again next week with 6 employees arriving and we only have about 6 rolls of toilet paper on hand……this could get interesting.
Toilet paper asided we are running our operations as usual albeit with a few more hand sanitizers than usual sitting around. We have a fairly closed environment here seeing as we’re 70 miles from a major town. We can order food through the food service company allowing us to not have to leave the ranch which for us is a comfort, especially during these trying times. As long as UPS and FedEx keep on running we will be able to perservere. We are very fortunate to not have the virus affect our jobs, and luckily the cows aren’t requiring us to quarantine ourselves from them.
All joking aside our hearts go out to everyone who the virus has affected and we’re sending out positive thoughts that as a society we can work through this and move forward in a positive and healthy manner. Stay strong, stay safe and keep calm……….this too shall pass.